
Demons lurk in the shadows. Once thought impenetrable bastions now succumb to their evil designs. After a group of exorcist go missing in a local church the mayor seeks your help in removing the demonic blight from their town. Utilize your alchemical genius to create spells and fight back the demonic threat, but beware there seems to be more than is being let on. Will you vanquish the demonic threat and save the town, or fall to their wicked power?

This game was made for the 2024 Pirate Jam 15: The theme is "Alchemy and Shadows" This is a prototype. The gameplay is not final.

How to Play:
WASD + Space - Moves the player
TAB - Opens the player inventory where you can craft, exchange cards, and view monster actions (These icons are displayed by a monster before they perform that aciton)

When in battle: 
A and D - Select the next card left or right
E - Cast card
F - Exchange card for mana

The player can cast an exchange as many cards per turn as their mana and number of cards drawn allows. When casting a card that requires a specific target, A and D can be used to select a target and E to confirm the target.

Each spell does have its own chance to hit which can be augmented by other spells; this also applies for monsters and their actions.

GDD:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aSk7BQ8-Ktaj3xIXsoOt14b1g9J4QK5wxDAw2ogs4yA/...

Lead Art and Character Design - Evilrat
Concept Artist - Evilrat
Lead 3D Artist - Wishsong227
Icon and Marketing Artist - Evilrat
Music and Sound Designer - Thund3r
Lead Developer - Vex
Game Designer - Vex


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